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Fiberoscopy Birmingham

Ear, nose and throat conditions are quite common. Proper diagnostics is key in reaching the right diagnosis.

What is fibroscopy in Birmingham?

Fibroscopy is a type of an endoscopic examination used to directly examine upper respiratory tract – nasal cavity, nasopharynx (the upper portion of the pharynx) with the pharyngeal openings of auditory tubes, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, as well as tonsils. The instrument used during the examination is a fiberscope – a flexible endoscope with a camera at the end.

What are the recommendations for fibroscopy?

  • Diagnosis of paranasal sinus inflammation and rhinitis
  • Diagnosis of breathing difficulties
  • Diagnosis of adenoid hypertrophy in children – symptoms might include nasal blockage, sleep apnoea, snoring, nasal voice, chronic rhinitis or problems with hearing
  • Diagnosis of nasopharyngeal cancer – symptoms which should alert the patient are a lump on the neck, one-sided hearing problems, nasal obstruction or bleeding, ear pain and double vision; if fibroscopy reveals any abnormalities, tissue samples may be taken for a histopathological examination
  • Check-up examination after the treatment of the upper respiratory tract cancer
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness and possible side-effects of using nasal medications
  • Problems with speaking, swallowing, suspected foreign body in the oesophagus, or chronic throat disorders fibroscopy can be used with patients who, for various reasons, cannot be examined with the use of a classic laryngeal mirror or a rigid endoscope (severe gag reflex)

What does the examination look like?

Fibroscopy in Birmingham lasts around 10 minutes. In principle, it does not require any special preparation. It is advised to perform the examination after three hours of fasting.

Fibroscopy is performed in a seated position, with the head back against the headrest. It does not require local anaesthesia since it is typically painless. However, in case of children or particularly sensitive patients the specialist will apply some lidocaine spray to topically desensitize the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa. Next, fiberscope is inserted into the nose, nasopharynx or other parts of upper respiratory tract which needs to be examined. Fiberscope is great in adjusting to the natural curvatures within the respiratory tract, so that it is able to reach even the most difficult-to-reach places. The examined area can be observed on screen during the procedure. If you have questions, contact our specialists in Birmingham.

What are the benefits of fibroscopy?

  • It is possible to perform an accurate examination even in the least accessible areas, so that any possible lesions can be spotted earlier and faster
  • Fibroscopy can be performed even despite anatomical changes in the nasal cavity, swelling and the hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa
  • The examination is quick and pain-free
  • Fibroscopy is more accurate than a radiology examination, so not only do we obtain better results but also avoid exposing patients to unnecessary radiation, which is especially important in case of children and pregnant women.