Who is the bone profile for?
The profile is recommended for women in menopause, chronically ill patients, as well as, patients at the risk of osteoporosis.
The tests make it possible to observe the first signs of abnormalities in bone mineralisation, show the level of enzymes produced in bone tissue and the hormone regulating the calcium levels. The profile is a very useful diagnostic tool for osteoporosis.
The profile includes the following tests: Profile 1: FBC, ESR, Uric Acid, RF, Anti CCP Antibodies (RF), C Reactive Protein Profile 3 - Rheumatoid Disease: FBC, ESR, Uric Acid, RF, Anti CCP Antibodies (RF), Antinuclear Autoantibodies, C Reactive Protein Profile 5 - Mono Arthritis: FBC, ESR, Uric Acid, RF, Anti CCP Antibodies (RF), Antinuclear Autoantibodies, C Reactive Protein, HLA B27 Profile 6 - Rheumatoid Factor: RF, Anti CCP Antibodies (RF), C Reactive Protein
Almost 70% of fractures in persons older than 45 are due to osteoporosis. Some risk factors for osteoporosis are:
- being a woman
- being aged over 60
- a family history of osteoporosis
- having had an early menopause
- being underweight or overweight
- having a sedentary lifestyle
- unsuitable diet (lacking protein and calcium)
- smoking
- some diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
- some medications